K . I . P . P . R . A Recruitment Portal
Vacancy Details
Job Title
Security Officer
Job Description
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail:-
- Developing and implementing security policy in the institute;
- Developing and implementing unit’s budget and work plans;
- Overseeing security risk assessments and developing contingency plans;
- Ensuring security and order in the Institute;
- Coordinating prevention, detection and reporting of crime;
- Oversee detection and reporting possession and use of prohibited substances;
- Safeguarding the Institute’s property including buildings, stores, motor vehicles and equipment;
- Reporting of emergency or insecurity incidences such as fire, and assisting in orderly movement of people to safe areas within the institute’s premises;
- Providing security services and intelligence to KIPPRA staff and board on a regular basis when carrying out official duties;
- Inspecting and maintaining records for incoming and outgoing vehicles and visitors
- Liaising with senior security officers on provision of security services to KIPPRA;
- Safe custody, hoisting and lowering of the National flag;
- Keeping register and custody of lost and found items and property;
- Carry out physical search and prevent entry of unauthorized persons;
- Ensuring proper functioning of security control devices e.g. doors, biometric reader, vehicle security, switching on and off of light in offices, windows, common areas and security lights;
- Controlling and reporting intruders into restricted areas;
- Directing visitors to various destinations in the Institute;
- Monitoring and providing reports on CCTV surveillance
- Coordinating security sensitizations to staff and the board
- Carrying out security breech investigations within the Institute and liaise with the relevant government agencies
- Monitoring and controlling issuance, management and use of office keys
- Coordination and supervising outsourced security services
- Identifying security initiatives and standards
- Compiling and submitting security report;
- Conducting induction for new security staff;
- Conducting drills;
- Ensuring that action is taken on security and lapses and incidences in the Institute;
- Liaising with police department on security matters within the Institute and its environs.
Job Specification
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
No Sought
Advert Ref
March 2024